Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer so far

We have spent lots of time at the pool.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Scenes from our last few weeks of school!

We ended the school year with a bang!  Both girls enjoyed end-of-year parties, and Sarah had her Pre-K program. Sarah also had her last ballet recital. 
What a fantastic year. I am so very proud of my girls for all of the learning and growing they did this year! We are thankful for their wonderful teachers and all of the friends they made! 
Let the Summer fun begin! Sarah will start kindergarten and Lauren will start Pre-k! My babies are growing up. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sarah at Four!

I know I'm a little late, but my sweet girl turned four on Jan. 4, 2012.
It's so hard to believe she's growing up! I miss my little 10 month old getting into everything around the house, but I am loving her at four.

Sarah Camille, you are smart, creative, full of energy, and full of life. You are free spirited!
Things you're loving right now: dancing (you would dance the day away if you could, and are into all things ballet), being outside, listening to music, eating sweets, (Your sweet tooth is a topic for another post) hanging with your daddy, spending time at school, your friends, your bike/scooter, books, mermaids, and games. You love candy land, and all of your memory games.

You constantly amaze your dad and I with your questions/comments in general. Your verbal skills are amazing and always have been. You love to write, and have been writing your name, and your sister's name for months now. You will sit and write/draw for long periods of time. It is so amazing to watch you as you learn to put letters  together and form words. You are always asking us how to spell words and what words mean.
You are all about books, and I LOVE that in you. Some of your favorites include: where the wild things are, the Franklin series, and anything having to do with mermaids. You never get enough of books; if your dad and I would/could read to you all day, you'd be content. You look forward to our weekly trips to the library.

You love your little sister (Lauren) and you're an incredible BIG sister. You've helped Lauren with potty training, give her hugs and kisses all the time, show her how to do big girl things, and adore having her two rooms down from you at preschool. Your sister annoys you at times, and you two often compete for our attention, but we are so grateful you have each other. The bond that you two have is heart warming.

You are an absolute joy to us all. We love you more than words can say. I am in love with the beautiful girl you're growing to be. Happy Birthday my sweet girl.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sarah at seven months.

Playing on the floor...

Sarah is no longer interested in her toys...if you take a closer look, you'll recognize the sprite zero bottle in her hand! :) Mommy's drinks are not her own anymore, everything belongs to Sarah. She loves bottles lately, bottles of any kind. Stan and I commented the other day on how well she gets around now. Gone are the days of her staying in one place. She likes to scoot all over the place, making discoveries. She's not quite crawling, but she definitely gets around. She'll get on her knees, and propel her body forward, using her's so cute to watch. She has also discovered how to grab hold of furniture and try pulling herself up.

Monday, August 11, 2008

new to this!

This is the perfect way to keep family and friends updated on the goings on in our lives. I've often thought about starting a blog, but talked myself out of it each time. It seems that having a child, inspires so many things in us...

This blog is dedicated to my beautiful, brown eyed girl, Sarah. Here, I plan on posting info/updates on her milestones, our lives, and the joy of motherhood.

With love and smiles....enjoy!